Satisfaction Guarantee
MN Party Bus has served over 22,356 safe rides and has a 93% satisfaction rate, compared to the industry’s 82%. We make sure that every party is satisfied with their bus and their experience. Book your next party bus today!
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I rented a party bus for a bachelorette party. They couldn’t have been more helpful and accommodating with all of our questions and needs. Bus was clean, but nothing fancy. Driver was very prompt and excellent. Kept us on track, but let us do our thing. Thank you MN Party Bus!d them!
I didn’t hire the bus but I was one of the guests for a retirement party. The driver was very nice and professional and we all had a great time. If I were hosting a party and needed a bus to transport people, I wouldn’t hesitate to call Bob.
Rented a party bus for my brother’s 30th! Their response to my calls and emails were always quick replies up until the event, reasonable pricing and a great driver! Worked with Mariah through the experience and she was very helpful. A friend lost their phone during this time and she was so helpful in helping find it. Definitely recommend them!